Mother over night - this is my feeling at the moment. My second child, son Jonas, has now lived with his father for about one and a half year. He was there because his college is next to his father’s flat. But there were some difficulties between the both – maybe the age of a 17 year old boy. The situation escalated and so Jonas decided to move and live in my house again.
Some month ago I get used to be more independent and free. Now over night the full responsibility and duties of a mother are back again: My daily rhythm changes. There are vocabularies which will be tested before an exam, must be a horse anywhere which empties my fridge faster than I’m able to fill it, three a.m. I hear giggle and laughter of a cute girl in the sleeping room next to me – boy, will I be strong enough to master my lead?
I hope I’ll get and learn all I need to…

Jonas (17), Ben (4) und Nele (20)