Great news, dear quilting friend! The brand new collection HEY DOT of Zen Chic will arrive in stores very soon. They are scheduled for the August delivery.
The cotton
fabrics for your patchwork and quilt projects are all in the wonderful high
quality fibers we know from Moda.
as the name suggests, a collection playing with a variety of dots. Dots with my
own twist on it: There are the well-known polka dots, but mine have some
handwritten notes on it (one says “can’t live without fabric”, and this is
true). Other polka dots are just from a sketched texture.
And there
is a fun multicolor print with dots looking like candies.
One of the
designs has dots with letters in it or signs and the letters form words.
Some of the
dots are so tiny, that the design makes for a great blender, which you can use
with all kinds of other fabrics.
print shows dots so close together, that the dots themselves disappear and you
rather perceive the space between, which seem to be little stars.
collection plays with all kinds of dots and you know: Every fun quilt needs
some dots inside, doesn’t it?
For the
colorways I decided to go with primary colors. The dots are young and fun, so
the colors should be too. I used the same green, grey and white as in the
previous collection FLOW, so that you can combine the both. The aqua and orange
are also very close to the former collection, while I added yellow, red,
fuchsia and pale pink to widen the color range.

The white color way makes for perfect low volumes.

The fiery red is yummy, combines wonderfully with the fuchsia and pale pink and the red-and-white polka dots are classy.

The white color way makes for perfect low volumes.

The fiery red is yummy, combines wonderfully with the fuchsia and pale pink and the red-and-white polka dots are classy.

sunny yellow

calm aqua

fresh green

And of course there are new patterns for this collection, I will introduce all of them in my next post.

HEY DOT is a collection for happy quilts, for a young family, for girls or kids, for bag projects and for a cheerful home dec. Wouldn’t it be fun to jump into a bed with such a yummy dress!

calm aqua

fresh green

And of course there are new patterns for this collection, I will introduce all of them in my next post.

HEY DOT is a collection for happy quilts, for a young family, for girls or kids, for bag projects and for a cheerful home dec. Wouldn’t it be fun to jump into a bed with such a yummy dress!
They are also
great for garments
So have an
eye on your favorite shop’s news. They will announce the arrival these days. Or
even better: send your preorders in to make sure you will get them as soon as
they arrive!