QUILT NOW ISSUE 43 comes with a bonus booklet
What's very exciting about the current issue is: There is a little bonus booklet attached to it. It is a calendar for quilters and I will go with you through that little helper later in this post.![]() |
and see what the content pages have to offer:Besides the typical pages like NEWS or ON THE BOOKSHELF we find a section TECHNIQUE FOCUS, a detailed tutorial for how to make a Dresden Plate Block. And to make it even more exciting it is followed by a project to train your new gained skills, a pillow using this block.
What other projects will you find? I counted instructions for 6 quilts, 2 pillows, 3 pouches, 1 bag and 3 baby toys (hope I am right). Some of them are even for English Paper Piecing fans (don't you love to snuggle up on a couch with a cup of tea, wintery cold outside, cozy warm indoors, having a hand sewing project and your favorite TV series? Another expression for heaven).
Here are two of my favorite projects
Kerry Green's vintage-style floor cushion (I have to make one!)
and Lynnes Goldworthy's supersize Mariner's Compass quilt (70" x 70")
Another interesting section in Quilt Now magazine are the
Three pages point out special occasions to get discounts or win a giveaway like quilt kits, fabric baskets, books, fabric and thread bundles, fleece and a cutting mat. The worth of these prizes to win is more than $1.000.
And you get a free Riley Blake Fat Quarter bundle for a Quilt Now subscription.
What I was of course most excited about, was the
You know, I am a lover of Scandinavian Design and minimalism, and so I was interested in reading Katie Garnet's article about how has Scandi chic translated into the region's quilting style? Strolling through the pages, I discovered my fabric lines TRUE BLUE and FRAGILE in the section Favorite Fabric Finds of the Month.And not only the swatches were shown, no: TWO quilts featuring the collection TRUE BLUE are in this magazine with complete instructions. I'm totally in love with these two quilts made by Naomi Clarke. Both of them are English paper pieced. Don't they look just gorgeous?
And then there is a
a Q&A-style interview, which I had with Quilt Now. It's about how what is on my sewing table, what collections I will have in 2018, Christmas gift ideas, tips for making a modern quilt.I feel totally honored to be so well represented in this magazine issue.
And last, but not least back to the little
It is basically a diary for quilters. A 2018 calendar, with one month per page and mixed in 12 quilt blocks with detailed instructions.This is so much fun, so I thought one of you should have it. I will give this little booklet away,
So if you want to have it, leave a comment and follow me either on my blog or on Instagram. Let me know, what quilt project is on your 2018 planner (and don't forget to leave your email address, so I can contact you).
I hope you had fun sitting next to me on my cozy couch, having a coup of tea and a look into this magazine!