We didn’t have green so far, did we? So time for a green color scheme.
Hey wouldn’t you like to have this kind of bags and boxes? No, not this mass of baggage to carry, but this delicious color which would you let easily find all your suitcases among the boring brown, black, grey whatever luggage at the airport conveyor belt?
image credit: Anya Hindmarch
The last few days had been very busy. Do you know the feeling when you look inside a mirror and are wondering why the face you see seems so much older than the heart you feel inside? Do they really belong together?
I mostly feel young at heart, sometimes even silly like a young girl. There are so many ideas, and yes still dreams living in my mind that life could last twice as many years as so far. Only my mirror speaks other words and my identity card makes clear that most years of my life are over now – calculated statistically and realistically – a couple of days ago I celebrated my 50th birthday!

Oh I was spoiled, my sweetheart surprised my by 50 roses and a weekend trip, my family had funny ideas to give me memories of the past fifty years of my life, my children made an amazing book for me: They collected pages of personal memories and words written by each meaningful person of my life: My brother shared memories of our childhood which I had nearly forgotten, my sister listed all the moments we had to burst out in laughing when we were together. We had a really great day together!
And it is good to take such a day to look back on your life’s journey: To see what you’ve been going through, your struggles, but most of all what you have gotten and all the blessings.
When I look back on my life’s journey there is something I’d like to pass on you: never ever give up on your dreams!
Some know about my life that I took studies in design as a young girl, but because I was a rebel and had a fight with my professor I left without a diploma. For many years I took care for my children by earning a regular income in an office. I was about 48 years when I quitted a quite secure job to go for my dreams.
During all these years my daughter saw me as a designer (just a short time distracted in an office job for some practical reasons) and encouraged me by saying: “Well, Mum, nice fabrics you bought for your shop, and I’m sure one day you will have your own fabric line to sell in your shelves” - “This quilt you made looks beautiful and I’m curious how much more awesome your quilts will look when you’ll eventually use your own fabric line”.
She even surprised me one day when I came home from the office with a room of our house remodeled as a design studio for me.
Well, it took it’s time, but it’s never too late to make your dreams come true (unless you dream to become the Olympic gold medalist in the javelin).
So dear one, if you are just in the years to build up your life or at the age of looking back on many years – hold on your dreams cause they're precious having and don't let anyone ever steal them from you. Remember, that life is what you choose, follow your dreams and do what you love to do.
Tell me about your dreams! What would you like to do one day?
Wir hatten bislang noch kein grünes Farbschema, oder? Dann wird es jetzt Zeit!
Hey, würdest du nicht gerne solche Taschen und Kisten haben? Nein, ich mein natürlich nicht diese Massen an Gepäck zu schleppen, sondern mehr die außerordentliche Farbe, die einen einen solchen Koffer sehr leicht unter all den langweiligen braunen, schwarzen und grauen auf dem Flughafenförderband finden ließe.
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freshly pieced