Dear reader, this blog was a nice place for quite a while to share my thoughts and stories. Meanwhile I got a new website and so I continue writing on my new's site blog.


Thank you.

Liebe Leserin, dieser Blog war für lange Zeit ein sehr netter Ort, meine Gedanken und Geschichten mit dir zu teilen. Inzwischen habe ich eine neue Website erstellt und werde jetzt den Blog dort fortsetzen.


und: "Danke!"

Moda friendship block quilt along

Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013

Dies ist ein sehr langer Blogpost und meine deutschen Leserinnen möchten mir es bitte verzeihen, dass ich aus Gründen der Länge darauf verzichtet habe, den Post zweisprachig zu schreiben. Ich habe oben links auf meinem Blog einen Button “Übersetzen” installiert, der wird einen recht lustigen Text aus alledem machen. Aber die Bilder, und das ist die Hauptsache, sagen ja viel mehr als all die Worte.

The new collection COMMA is arriving in stores in the next few days and I’m overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response I got for this group! When I get a line saying “It's one of the few fabric lines where I can honestly say, that I like all the fabrics really much” I’m so glad the fabrics work wonderful for all kinds of projects.

Comma Zen Chic
Joanna from Shape Moth talked about the fabrics recently on her blog, while preparing a sample from Comma for a magazine. I copied her picture which shows the fabrics so nicely.

Now for our currently running Moda friendship quilt sampler here is a step by step tutorial of the “Zen CHIC” block (and I so love to have gotten this block to play with, the circle shape is so appealing to me). It is pretty easy to do and with all the downloadable detailed instructions even a beginner can dot it.

What you need is two strips of fabric for the ring, each of it at least 20” by 5” and a piece of fabric for the background,
at least about 9 1/2” by 14”.
In addition some wonder under fusible web and a clear monofil thread. That’s it, stashbuster, huh?

Ok, from each of your “ring” fabrics cut 4 pieces, each 5” square, from your background fabric cut two squares, one is 9 1/2”, the other 4 1/2”.
Prepare also your fusible web by cutting three squares,
one 9 1/2”, one 8” and one 5”. Great!

Zen Chic
Next is easy peasy: You just sew together each two different squares from your “ring” fabric to form a rectangle.Zen Chic
Of course you can speed up this process by chain sewing.Zen Chic
Press seams to the darker fabric and join each two pieced pairs to a kind of checkerboard square.Zen Chic
Next prepare your fusible web: on each of your pieces draw a centered cross and use it as a guideline for your compass. For the largest square draw a circle of 9”, for the middle one of
7 1/2” and for the smallest (which needs no cross guidelines) one of 4 1/2”. (How to work with this appliqué technique is explained in detail in the attached block instructions).Zen Chic
Iron the fusible web on the back of your fabric, the smallest circle on the little square of background fabric, the both other ones on the pieced checkerboards. Make sure your cross guidelines meet exactly your seam lines.
Now cut the circles out very exactly. To avoid too much bulk in the middle of this block, cut a hole in the larger two circles. The diameter of the largest circle’s hole is 7”, the one of the middle circle is 4”.Zen Chic
Take 9 1/2” background square, fold it in halves length and crosswise and press some creases as guidelines. Pull off the paper of your fusible web, lay the largest ring on the background square, seam line matching creases and fix it by pressing. Do the same for the middle ring. Mark your smallest circle with two creases by folding it exactly in halves. Make use of these guidelines and put it onto this kind of “wedding cake” ;-). Iron it.Zen Chic
With a clear monofil thread and the button hole or zigzag stitch of your sewing machine sew around all three layers (actually you could have left the smallest circle out and make the hole of the middle circle exactly 4 1/2” diameter – in case you use the same fabric for the center and the background of the block. You for sure can vary the center point and give it another face than the background).Zen Chic
Done! Piece of cake, wasn’t it?Zen Chic
Yeah, an easy to do block – and now? What can you make out of this?

Add a 3 1/2” wide border to the block, and you have a nice front for a 16” pillow form.

Make two more blocks, set all three together to get a table runner rectangle.

Or make three more blocks, make a setting of two rows and two columns and get a nice square tablecloth.

Or make an entire quilt from these blocks. So speaking of quilts I can tell that this block is all about color value! You can make lots of variations out of it (what? this is just a ring on a square, what are you speaking of?) Yes, I said lots of variations. Because…

What would you like to see as your focus? The center circle? Make it from a dark fabric, well saturated and it pops outZen Chic
and gives you this quilt look. Something like a bull’s eye, the inner circles are the dominant elements in this design.Zen Chic
Or – you can inverse this values, make the background really dark, the center circles bright and light.Zen Chic

Your quilt design looks now like a wall with lots of windows in. It seems you can look through and find a world behind.Zen Chic
Although using the same block and the same setting, this quilt looks totally different from the one above. The first one: bold – the second one: mysterious. And have you noticed, that in both designs the fabrics of the ring are from a very similar value, so the ring itself looks quite calm.

But the ring is also an element to play with. It has this checkerboard structure in it. Lets accentuate this checks and make back- and foreground calm.Zen chic
The depth disappears and instead we get something very dynamic, it looks like wires which are going round and round. And what if we turn the blocks, alternating?image

Notice how we’ve got two overlaying designs: the circles and also squares , looking like tiles.
Now you see, you can play with this block and find endless variations.

Would you like to see a quilt design not only in black and white, but rather in a fabric suggestion? Voilà. The new line Comma, in stores now, makes a stunning quilt from this block.Zen Chic
If you use once in a while the background fabric also for ring pieces, the shapes seem to open and disappear.Comma, Zen Chic

Go with a reduced color palette and make a graphic quilt, perhaps for a young boy. image
Wouldn’t you love it?Comma Zen Chic
Or make a huge block, one which fills an entire bed quilt, like I did with this pattern:  you rule, ZEn Chic Comma 
Or  - and that is this blog post actually all about – make a single block for a sampler quilt. Because this is MODA’s friendship sampler blog hop.

Besides this block you will find each day three new different blocks from each Moda designer, all explained in detail. All with different fabric styles, suggestions -  you name it. Fabulous! Here is the nearly best: In the end Moda will give you a quilt setting containing all the blogs of this blog hop. Choose your favorite line and make a cool sampler quilt, make a Block Of The Month project out of it, maybe for your quilt group.

And show us pictures!!! Please, yes please! Post them at the flickr group here.

Follow the block hop and gather all the blocks. Click here for more information and the listing of participating Designers.

Now – after the nearly best – the very best: You will have the chance to win! Yeah! We have a brand-new fabric bundle from the very  brand-new fabric collection Comma for you. BTW: Each designer has something for you, so hop around! Today the amazing Bonnie from Cotton Way and my lovely friend Anne Sutton from Bunnie Hill show you their newest line, a wonderful block and start their giveaways. Don’t miss to stop by at their blogs!

Win this Fat Eighths Bundle containing all 40 different fabrics
What do you have to do?

1. FOLLOW the Zen Chic blog, the one you are currently looking at ;-) and get all the news about project and fabric ideas. 

2. Leave a COMMENT on the blog as to why or for which project you would like to work with the Comma fabrics!

Don’t miss to leave your email address so I can inform you in case you are the lucky winner.

352 Kommentare:

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Unknown hat gesagt…

I would love to try this circles quilt! I think Comma would look great in this design. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

Alli hat gesagt…

Comma is gorgeous! I'd love to make a postage stamp quilt with it. :)

Lisa hat gesagt…

As you showed Comma does look great with this pattern. I am a new follower! Would love o win Comma is awesome

Peggy Reilly hat gesagt…

I love your new fabric line. These colors are my new favorite colors for making a quilt and I'd love to make your circle blocks with the fabric. Thanks for the block.

Quiltgirlie hat gesagt…

Mir gefällt der Boy-Quilt, der vor kurzem gepostet wurde, sehr gut und ich würde ihn sehr gerne nacharbeiten.

sewbest hat gesagt…

I love making quilts with circles. I made my daughter a winding ways quilt for her gaduation last year 2012. She likes mordern quilts so I want to make her a quilt out of your circle block. There are so many possibilites with this block. I feel like getting started now even though it is 2AM where I live in New Jersey. I am just so fasinated by this block. I found out about this "Quilt Along" on sunday night 2/17/20, and I told myself I am not going to start another project. I told myself that I will just brouse the blogs. This block has chaged my mind. I am going to have a hard time convincing myself to go to sleep and not start right away. I would like to win the fat quarters because it is not the style of fabric I usually select but I would like to play with color and step out of my "comfort zone". I can go on and on but I will stop here and possibly start working on this block.

quilthexle hat gesagt…

I would LOVE to win the bundle - and to make another "Occasional"-quilt out of it! That would be so much fun ... Thanks for the great giveaway, and thanks for a wonderful, lovely new fabric line !

maKatrin hat gesagt…

Dein Kreis-Block gefällt mir sehr, da könnte ich doch gleich den "neuen Stoff" ausprobieren!
LG Katrin

Anonym hat gesagt…

This is a very intersting blog :-) and I really would love to win this bundle.
Viele Grüße aus München.

jackiero hat gesagt…

Wow, love your new Comma line.
I just signed up, via email, to your blog.
And what would I like to make out of your Comma? First I'd like to make placemats for my daughters table, and if any fabric is left over than for my table.
Thanks for the fun Brigette :)

stufenzumgericht hat gesagt…

Liebe Brigitte,
hach, mit diesen tollen Stoffen würde ich natürlich sofort loslegen und nach deinem Pattern einen Circlequilt nähen! Und um das Glück etwas zu pushen: Wann gibt's die Stoffe bei dir im Shop??? GlG und weiterhin gute Besserung! Martina

lia hat gesagt…

I would like to make the Circle Game quilt with this line of Jen Kingwell.

Gill hat gesagt…

I'm a happy (email) follower!
I'd love to make the pattern you've shared or the Swoon which is on my list too!
THanks for a fabulous giveaway!

Paula hat gesagt…

I love your fabrics and follow your blog. I'm very excited to try out this new block - I've been wanting to introduce some circles into my quilting and this looks like the perfect piece to begin with. What would I make with the Comma - well it would have to be some throw cushions featuring this block and perhaps some other designs with circle.

Julie hat gesagt…

I would love to try the Zen CHIC block - you make it look so easy. Thanks.

Brigitte hat gesagt…

Ich würde gerne mit den Stöffchen und den Kreisen spielen! Eine sehr schöne Stoffserie
Liebe Grüße Brigitte

Katy hat gesagt…

I love the boy quilt! With two grandsons the pattern would be a perfect one for comma as you have shown. Thanks!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Wow! I must say, so far this is the block that intimidates me the most. I'm not very clever with curves even though I love everything curvy. I will not be put off though! I plan to hand sew all the blocks so I feel confident that I will be able to tackle these circles!

I love the quilt ideas you've posted too!

Cathy hat gesagt…

I am now a follower. I love this fabric. It would be perfect for a sampler quilt. Thanks so much for the chance to win and for the tutorial for making the block. Hugs

robin hat gesagt…

Thanks for chance to win this great bundle of fabrics! This circle block is the perfect pattern for it, too!

Bogga bjútí hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Unknown hat gesagt…

I became a follower! I love the fabric line! I think I would have to make a bag out of it. Love it!!!

Barb123 hat gesagt…

Love the modern designs in your Friendship quilt along... and of course, would love to use the Comma fabric in your geo-quilt designs! Thanks for adding to the excitement and brushing up on my German! Auf Wiedersehen!

Julierose hat gesagt…

I am a follower; my favoite in the line is the white background piece--it is so hard to find patterns with a lot of white in the background...Julierose

Joan and Kevin hat gesagt…

I am a follower!
I would make a quilt from Julie Herman's
new book! Thanks for the giveaway!

Bogga bjútí hat gesagt…

I have been looking for patterns for a quilt for confirmation gift and I found it here, thank you for this simple but yet elegant block, I will even be able to use my scraps for the quilt ;O) I´m now a follower of your blog. I also like your White Labyrinth quilt.

Rosa hat gesagt…

I do follower and I`d love a make a sampler quilt and a beautiful scarf.Thanks you!

kay hat gesagt…

Thank you for the wonderful circular block and detailed directions. Great ideas for variations of the block. Your fabric line is wonderful - sophisticated with a touch of whimsy - and I can't wait to use it to try out the block, maybe for a table runner first, then a quilt. Your new quilt patterns are all at the top of my to-do list. (I am a follower.)

Sandy D hat gesagt…

Comma is a fantastic looking Line. One of the pieces of Comma reminds me of a game we played growing up called "Jacks".Great colors, love the green.

Linda hat gesagt…

Thank you. I love circle blocks.

Patty K hat gesagt…

I've become a follower.

Patty K hat gesagt…

Love tis block! I'm going to try the table runner.

Cindy hat gesagt…

Because the Circles block is so unique, I do believe it'd be "sew" fun to give it a try in the new Comma fabric line. I would definitely create a long tablerunner for my family dining room table.

Allison hat gesagt…

Comma is just beautiful! I can't wait to quilt with it!

Judy hat gesagt…

Love the fabric line and block. I'd probably make something for my girls, a quilt perhaps. I'm a follower for sure. Thanks for the chance.

Janet hat gesagt…

LOVE the colors in your new line! I'd certainly make a quilt, but as for what quilt, I don't know yet ... I do know that it would be for ME!

Thanks for the opportunity!

Cheryl hat gesagt…

I love this new line. This wuold be great for a teenage boy's quilt.

I quilt 4 fun hat gesagt…

Fun and different block, love all the fabrics in comma, especially orange, gray and anything with words! Thanks for the pattern.

B Greene hat gesagt…

Comma is a magnificent fabric line - I love everything about it!! I would love to make a quilt using your Cross It pattern. It is so striking and I remember it from all the pictures of the last Quilt Market. Memorable quilt!! Thanks for the chance to win (I am a follower).

Lisa England hat gesagt…

I would love to make a scrappy lap quilt for my sister using Comma fabrics. They are some of my favorite fabrics that I've seen lately! I follow your blog, thanks for the chance to win!

Garnet hat gesagt…

Great blog and super block made with wonderful fabrics.

Thanks so much for sharing your creative genius

Sandra hat gesagt…

You have given all of your followers so many different options for your friendshp block. I would like to make the entire quilt from this block. After I saw the picture of what the quilt would look like, I am now hooked and ready to go. Thank you for the block pattern and giving all of us a chance to win those Comma fabric bundle.

Sandi Timmons

Vickie hat gesagt…

I think I would make a star or a drunkard's path quilt out of Coma. I love the circle quilt though! I'm a new follower!

Pam hat gesagt…

I just love your new fabric line! Thanks for the chance to win!

Johanna hat gesagt…

I would love to make a simple project with triangles for my daughter, this fabric is perfect for her!

Margaret hat gesagt…

I love that circle pattern.

Margaret hat gesagt…

I signed up for your newsletter and follow your blog

Denise hat gesagt…

I think Comma would be amazing in your London Tube pattern. Oh, and thank you for your pattern today. A new challenge for me.

Wendy hat gesagt…

I love this quilt block and the line is gorgeous, both would go togther so perfectly!

Deb hat gesagt…

I am so excited to give the circles a try! What a great idea for a quilt!! And I just love the colors in this fabric line! So bold and graphic! Just my style!! Thanks for sharing!!

Monica hat gesagt…

Love the quilt block...would love to win

Cindy hat gesagt…

Love your fabric. I have been drawn to more modern patterns and fabric. Thanks for all the ideas to use your block.

DeborahGun hat gesagt…

I am a follower via GFC. I love comma and would love to make a quilt for my eldest son with it - large blocks to show off the great fabric. Thanks!

Helen hat gesagt…

I love all the different layouts you've shown and if I won this fabric, I think I'd make a quilt using this block pattern.


Strlady hat gesagt…

I'm loving your new line. The bold prints always get me. I have a retro flower pattern tucked away that would do wonders to showcase those prints. Maybe I can use the left over for another quilt pattern I just bought, or maybe a bag, or a lunch bag! So many options.

Anonym hat gesagt…

I love the colors!! So much energy--would make a really cute apron, not to mention a quilt.

Heather B hat gesagt…

I have never tried a circle quilt! I would love to try it with Comma,! Thanks for a chance, I am a follower!

Tammy hat gesagt…

Your blog is new to me found it via the hop. I am a new follower. And will be keeping up via email. I love love love the fabrics and the block pattern. Thank you for the chance to enter.conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

Pat S. hat gesagt…

Love the fabric & the pattern! Must make this! Thanks sew much for this chance to win :-D

Tammy hat gesagt…

Thanks for the chance to enter. I really love the fabrics. they are calling to my soul. Something about the colors. I would lov eto make a quilted wall hanging out of this block in these fabrics. I think it would look aweome streached over a canvas to hang onthe wall as a picture. Makes me think tranquil and peaceful thoughts to look at the fabrics. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

Sequana hat gesagt…

I love that mysterious look one, but they all look just wonderful. Yes, I'd do a quilt.

Nancy M hat gesagt…

I love the colours of Comma. I would use them for table runners and toppers to match my kitchen. I am also a huge fan of juggling summer. Keep up the great work.

Deb C. hat gesagt…

I would love to make some coasters with Comma. They would look great in my home.

Angela hat gesagt…

I've never made a quilt with circles so it may be time to try something new because your block is beautiful! I would love to use the comma line to make a lap quilt for my living room. It would definitely brighten the place up a bit :)

holley1947 hat gesagt…

I love your fabrics. they would be perfect for a quilt for my little grandson, perhaps with the names of his family members in side circles, squares, and triangles. I hope I win.

Janelle hat gesagt…

I love the colors in Comma and the more things I see made out of it the more I like it! I also have two boys, so it's nice to see things that are boy friendly!

cynthia hat gesagt…

I think Comma would look fabulous in a traditional drunkard's path pattern.

Teresa hat gesagt…

I am now a follower. YAY! This fabric is very colorful. It is also very suitable for a boy or girl. The Quilt Along pattern is awesome. I would love to try the multiple circle pattern. THANK YOU for the different variations.

Amy Hill hat gesagt…

Thanks for the wonderful opportunity! That fabric is gorgeous!

Anjeanette hat gesagt…

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your line! Your block is so fun too! I am loving circles lately. I just hope to win this bundle. I love it!

Anonym hat gesagt…

You know I'm a blog follower :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

I have so many ideas for quilt with Comma, but the one I may actually make also has circles, but applique ones. I can't wait to get started!

Anjeanette hat gesagt…

I am now following you!

Erica hat gesagt…

I signed up to follow your blog!

Erica hat gesagt…

I would like to make a scrappy Trip Around the World quilt with Comma - I keep seeing photos of them and this fabric would be perfect.

dungeonquilter hat gesagt…

I am following you. Comma fabric is gorgeous!

dungeonquilter hat gesagt…

I am following you. Comma fabric is great!

Quilt Kitty hat gesagt…

Love the block & all the examples of use with the different fabrics. Stunningly fresh & modern. Thanks.

Cindi hat gesagt…

I love the new comma fabric. It reminds me of my daughter. Can't wait to make a quilt for her using

Anonym hat gesagt…

I think that circle block is so awsome. I am going give it a try. Thanks for that.

TrudyB. hat gesagt…

I would love to make a wall hanging out of the fabric. I can see the weather reflective in the circles

Mom2RyandSis hat gesagt…

I would love to use this circle block for a fun Comma wall hanging! Thanks for the chance to win!

Christine S hat gesagt…

This fabric is so mice and I absolutely love the block! Would make an awesome quilt!!

Denise Clason Studios hat gesagt…

Can't wait to make a modern quilt with your beautiful fabrics.

Sue McPeak hat gesagt…

What an exciting collection of very MOD fabrics. I would love to win and use the circle pattern as you have done in the first color layout with the gray centers. I'm a new follower and look forward to visiting you again from Texas. Yep, I'm a Texas Gal Quilter. Ya'll come and visit my

Lou hat gesagt…

I would use the comma fabrics on a twister quilt. Love the fabrics!!!!

Lou hat gesagt…

I am a new follower

Unknown hat gesagt…

I would love this for a quilt for my daughter. The scale of the prints is really lovely.

Unknown hat gesagt…

Your fabric looks so fun! I think it would make a great quilt for one of my boys. I am a new follower and love what I'm seeing on your site.

Mara hat gesagt…

I am your newest follower. I like the background and circle calm with the blocks alternating that you made above used with Bella's Zen Grey, or your X&+ quilt pattern. grecomara at gmail dot com

Terrie hat gesagt…

Love your block, circles are a challenge for me but I think I am up to give it a try. I would love to make some pillows with comma and maybe a small throw.....might even think about circles !!!!

Unknown hat gesagt…

I'm now following! Thanks for the chance to win. I love the calming feel of the colors. With a bit of punch thrown in! Would love an extra blanket for my son's room in this.

Mary on Lake Pulaski hat gesagt…

Love the fabric and I think it would make a wonderful ruffly spring dress for my granddaughter! I follow your blog. marykolb(at)charter(dot)net

Sandie hat gesagt…

I would make baby quilts for a long hoped for little girl soon to arrive at my cousins house. Her Nursery is decorated in just those colors, and not girly-girl pinks, so these would be perfect! I am a new follower and am so glad to have found your blog. My email address, (just in case!) is:

marcella hat gesagt…

What a fun block! I love all the different color options you showed for the quilts - so nice to see how the pattern changes as you move around the values.

Joan hat gesagt…

Beautiful fabric and I would love to make it up with your OHO pattern. Thankyou for the chance to win!

Willa hat gesagt…

I follow you on Google Reader! Enjoy your blog.

CathyK hat gesagt…

I just love this block! Looking at the directions, I think even a beginner like me can do it! I'm going to give it a try. With this Comma fabric, I would make a quilt for my son who is going off to college in the Fall. Thank you for the chance!

Kalynn's Creations hat gesagt…

Your new "Comma" fabric is amazing, love the color combinations. I think I would make something for ME with this line. Usually I see a new line and think that would be great for my mom or my daughter or someone... but this one just jumped out at me for me. I am a follower and Thanks for the fun block - love circles - and the chance to win.

Willa hat gesagt…

I like the clean crisp graphic quality of the prints and would enjoy using them in the smaller pieces I make......usually tech cozies.

Judy in Michigan hat gesagt…

I just love your line of fabrics and your circles are wonderful!! I am hoping to make the quilt with the 2 circles and the dark center on a white background. Thank you!!

Joanne Lendaro hat gesagt…

Love the fabrics and the blocks-WOW!!! Those circles sure do pop!!
thanks for the fun!!

carla hat gesagt…

Hi!!! I love your circle block!!! Very pretty!!! I am a happy follower!!! I love the fabric in your give away!!! I would love to make a circle quilt!!! I really love the big O quilt!!! Thank You

Unknown hat gesagt…

Love your fabric lines...can't wait to see more. Waiting for the fabric so that I can create with my pre-cuts.

Just Sew Sue hat gesagt…

The range would be great for most patterns, but I'd love to use it for Swoon

sandra hat gesagt…

Luv the circle quilt ... Comma is definitely one of my FAVORITE new lines! Thanks for a chance to win some!

Scrap Happy Quilting hat gesagt…

I have to try the circle quilt- it is so great!

sandra hat gesagt…

Just signed up to follow your blog!

Katherine hat gesagt…

Brigitte, your post is full of inspiring design ideas!

Thanks so much for showing all those variations and the instructions to make a great block.

I think Comma is a SUPERB fabric line. I want to make a quilt with it, but I'm also imagining the pretty bags I could make with it. Possibilities are endless!

Karen in Breezy Point hat gesagt…

Thanks for very cool block pattern--love it and I would use the even cooler Comma to make some of these blocks into a lap quilt!

Aggiequilter hat gesagt…

What a COOL pattern ! I love these Comma fabrics, I would try them in your pattern.
I'm a new follower of your blog. Thanks for sharing, and the chance to win !

Patty hat gesagt…

What a great new fabric line! Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonym hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Anonym hat gesagt…


Barr Tac hat gesagt…

This is an absolutely gorgeous design and one I will try for a beautiful lap quilt or wall hanging. Hope to win. Thanks

Linda Fleming hat gesagt…

Wow! All of the Comma fabrics are so beautiful and the quilts too.
I especially love the giant size 'sew-one-block' bed quilt.

Westfalenmaedel hat gesagt…

Bin schon laaaange Follower!
Ich würde einen Sofaquilt mit großen X-Blocks
und einen großen Stapel Kissen machen.

LG und Danke für die Chance auf den Gewinn,

Jan hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Jan hat gesagt…

This is a great block, thanks. I'd make a baby quilt. I'm a follower.

Susie Johnson hat gesagt…

I would make a summer lap quilt!
I am a follower.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Comma is so pretty, I LOVE the combination of colors! Thank you for the chance to win....

tamiquilts at att dot net

Sheila Galindo hat gesagt…

I'd make a bag or zipper pouches, as I'm a bag lady!

Martina hat gesagt…

I am already a happy follower! I would love to try a zig zag quilt with this great fabrics. But your circle block looks stunning!

Meredith hat gesagt…

I love your new comma line! I just love the designs and the colors. Love your block too.

Patty V hat gesagt…

I just made pillows for my cousin from juggling summer, so I would make some pillows for myself.

teachpany hat gesagt…

Your fabric and this block are both really fun and modern! I would love to make a quilt with them both. I loved how you played with values, too. Thanks.

Maria2 hat gesagt…

I am a follower and I absolutely love your new fabric!

Four dogs and one quilter hat gesagt…

I am a new follower,love Zen Chic. Would definitely make your circle quilt. Thanks for showing the different layouts and color combinations.

Catskill Quilter hat gesagt…

I would love to use Comma to add interest to a number of different quilt blocks, and I would love to make one of your circles blocks!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Love your new Comma! I've never made a circle quilt and I'd love to try one.

debra hat gesagt…

top of my head I think I would do something summery-a nice big beach bag or maybe a sewing bag. I have never attempted a circle quilt of any kind-maybe its time. I am a follower

Amy hat gesagt…

I'm now following your blog. I love, love, love Comma! I'm planning to make my first full sized quilt this year, and would love to make it with Comma. Maybe a giant circle quilt... not quite sure yet, but these are my colors, and I love the modern prints!

Joyce Kirkpatrick hat gesagt…

@UnknownI think the fabrics are yummy and I would make a sampler quilt. I'm trying this again. Looks like my first attempt to post didn't go through. It's a bit challenging since I don't read German, but others were able to post their comment so I should be able too.

Elaine hat gesagt…

I would make the circle quilt and pillow for my bed! Thank you for the pattern!

Mom C hat gesagt…

Love that block. And your suggestions of color. I'm not sure what I would use Comma for just yet but I love the designs and colors. It would be stunning in a star quilt I'm thinking of. Thanks.

Nancy D. hat gesagt…

I love the huge block in your YOU RULE pattern.

Whitney M hat gesagt…

I love the new line! I think I'd try my hand at your block and make a whole quilt!

Cindy A. hat gesagt…

Our guild has issued a challenge and applique is one of the requirements for the project. It would be doubly challenging to use this group of fabrics as they are not my normal style. What an opportunity! Thanks so much!

Dolores hat gesagt…

I love the fabric. Your pattern is wonderful. I'd really like to make a modern type of quilt for a new grandchild who is due in a couple of months.

Dolores hat gesagt…

I just signed up to follow you.

Tamie hat gesagt…

I would love to work with the Comma line. I have loved it since I first saw a peek of it awhile back- so fresh and modern. Love it.

Sally Hurst hat gesagt…

I love the comma fabric--saw it at a quilt show recently. I would probably make a small circle quilt for a wall hanging, if I was so lucky to win.
Thank you!


Gretchen hat gesagt…

Thanks for the great block & the giveaway! I would love to make Miss Rosie's Marguerite pattern from your new line.

Diana hat gesagt…

Comma is gorgeous, my grandson just moved into a new bedroom and needs a new quilt, I think this would be great. Just found your blog and will come back again.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Sue D hat gesagt…

I like your circle block. I would make a quilt for one of my grandkids with this fabric.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Melissa Corry hat gesagt…

This is such a fabulous design. I loved seeing all of the amazing variations based on color placement!! And I just love Comma!! I think it would make a fabulous picnic blanket!! Bold and Breathaking!!

Unknown hat gesagt…

I would love to make a friendship star quilt with the new Comma fabrics- they are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


Cecilia hat gesagt…

This is a great block! I would never have thought of this idea. Thank you! My sister is turning 50 years old this year and so I will be making her a quilt. This fabric would be great for that!

Tiff hat gesagt…

I LOVE the Comma fabric. I would do the circles like in the pattern. I LOVED the way it looked with that

Mary hat gesagt…

I would love to make one of those Scrappy Trip Around the World quilts that are all over the internet with the Comma fabrics.
I am following through email.
I love the circle quilt. Thanks for sharing.

vicki hat gesagt…

I would make a sampler block mini quilt of modern blocks with it. I think that would be fun. Thanks for the giveaway and the cool block. I am a new follower via email. vickise at gmail dot com

bee hat gesagt…

gorgeous fabrics and i love the block tutorial! will have to try this out!

Diana Schmitz / Quiltecke hat gesagt…

Was für eine tolle Kollektion.
Ich würde daraus eine Babydecke für meine Freundin nähen und aus den Resten noch eine passende Windeltasche dazu.
Vielen Dank für die Chance und eine schöne Woche

Anonym hat gesagt…

I love the fabric and the block.
Would love to win.

JoyceLM hat gesagt…

I've never done applique before, but your block pattern looks like even I could do it. I'd love to test it out on your Comma fabrics-thanks for the chance to win. I'm a follower. jleekamitchell(at)yahoo(dot)com

pbs.seams hat gesagt…

The circle quilt block is wonderful and I would definitely use the comma fabric to make a quilt. So attractive!

sandi s hat gesagt…

Hi, I am a new follower and I love the block you made for us. Thank you. I think the fabric would be wonderful in this quilt.

Malu hat gesagt…

I´d like to make a table runner with the circles. The favorite colors for that are green and yellow. Just the right colors that call for spring time. Thank you for all the different lay-out ideas. I´d love to win the bundle of Comma fabrics.

Kathy H hat gesagt…

I would make a beautiful throw for my daughter who loves orange. I think the orange just pops out of that line and is gorgeous. I am a new follower.

pippirose hat gesagt…

Very interesting block. Love the fabrics!
I'm looking to do a table runner that I think this fabric would be perfect for!

Thanks for the block directions and the wonderful givewaway!

pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Sherry hat gesagt…

I would have to make a quilt but not sure which design I would use. I am looking forward to giving your circle block a try, this will be new for me. I am a new follower of your blog.

Lysa Rackham hat gesagt…

I love the mid century modern inspiration that is clearly seen in the fabric. It is one of my favorite design eras therefore I would use this line for many projects.

Heather hat gesagt…

I'm big into triangles right now, and I would love to may a nice big triangle quilt..with big triangles. Not the tiny little ones.

Lee hat gesagt…

I have never made any circle for quilting - I would love to try this block w/ the Comma! thanks!

Carol hat gesagt…

The fabrics are wonderful and I plan to make a quilt - I think a scrappy one with a mix of 2" and 4" squares (finished) to show off the fabric and colours.

Lori Kae hat gesagt…

Gorgeous fabric line :)
I would love to use them to make a quilt for our new nephew.

thank you for the wonderful inspiration and tutorial.

Lori Kae hat gesagt…

I signed up to follow via email! :)

Lacey R. Newski hat gesagt…

I LOVE this fabric...the colors and designs are great. To be totally honest I am not positive what pattern I would chose to sew the bundle up as...something a bit more modern to get me out of my traditional box.

DeAnna Julie Dodson hat gesagt…

Oooh, Comma is darling. I have the cutest bag pattern that would look great in it!

Thanks for the giveaway. :)

DeAnna Julie Dodson hat gesagt…

Ooops, my e-mail address is:


Lisa E hat gesagt…

Love the new collection. Thanks for the generous giveaway. My daughter would love a quilt made out of these fabrics. Maybe there will be some left over for me!

Tracey S. hat gesagt…

Great block! I love circles!

wendy hat gesagt…

Wonderful fabrics! Would love to make something "out of my box" with them. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anne hat gesagt…

Beautiful fabric line! I would like to make a "snowball" quilt in a table-topper size. I am a follower.

Lyn hat gesagt…

I am a follower via google reader -- so easy to keep up with reading blogs there!-- and I would use the fabric to make some smaller quilts, including your Big Wheel quilt, and a bag or two.

Beth hat gesagt…

I love your Comma fabrics and would love to try your quilt as shown. Thank you!

JudyCinNC hat gesagt…

I am a very new follower and love the Comma fabric. I would need to evolve a pattern for my grands as they would love the fabric. Judy C in NC

Judy MacLeod hat gesagt…

Your designs are breath-taking! And fresh. If I were to win the bundle it would have to be used with one of your designs - the hard part is picking just one!

Lynn hat gesagt…

This is a very unique block I love it...

apple blossom hat gesagt…

looks like fun material thanks for the giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Susie hat gesagt…

Beautiful fabric - great pattern - would love to make the quilt!

Janet hat gesagt…

Making a modern quilt this year is on my bucket list. Love your black/white/yellow fabrics...perfect!

Kate Brown hat gesagt…

Fantastic pattern!! I would definately use the fabric for this!

Kate Brown hat gesagt…

I am a follower!

LJ hat gesagt…

I am a new follower. Thanks for the fabulous double circle block pattern. I've really gotten into "circles" lately so the pattern is perfect; I love that there is a double circle. Those comma fabrics could be used so many ways; I'd like to make a large pillow for the living room using them.

Brenda hat gesagt…

I would love to try your very modern looking comma fabrics in this so graphic block.

ThreadCatcher hat gesagt…

I would like to try the Comma fabrics in a quilt for my neice. Thanks for sharing how to make your block and for the chance at your giveaway.

Linda Cates hat gesagt…

I would use your Comma fabric to make a high school graduation gift for my niece. It's just so HER!!!

Connie hat gesagt…

Ooooohhh my gosh, these circles are beautiful. They are so hip and modern. I am so new to quilting and am excited to try these. Thank you so much for the idea and walkthu it really helps. Thank you so much....

Twyla's Thimble hat gesagt…

My daughter just bought a house and these these fabrics would make an awesome quilt for their living room!!! Thanks for the chance to win them.

Donna Joy hat gesagt…

Comma fabric is just waiting to come to my sewing room, I am a new follower and love your circle block.
I would love to make the one circle bed quilt. Thanks for sharing.

Debbie Y hat gesagt…

Love the Comma line, already working on Cross It with the Comma jelly roll for my son. Wouldn't mind at all having some more! Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Michele T hat gesagt…

I am a new follower and looking forward to new and modern quilting ideas... loving it immediately!!

Michele T hat gesagt…

I would love to make a lap quilt for my cousin who turns 50 later this year... this line is sooooo cool!!! Thanks!!

lovetostitch hat gesagt…

I am not sure yet what I would make, I am still amazed at not only the block but your whole post is an amazing lesson on color and placement. I was really mesmerized and just keep looking and looking at it! Thank you so much!

BillieBee (billiemick) hat gesagt…

Outstanding fabric line. I think I would make a table runner with it.

Ms. Jan hat gesagt…

Nice block idea...thanks for sharing. This bright collection would make a great quilt for a baby coming to my family soon!

Silverlining hat gesagt…

I just love this fabric. It would make a lovely quilt like the one you showed to us. Thanks for the block pattern.

Brenda hat gesagt…

I have been seeing some wonderful yellow and grey bags lately, I think I would love to use it to make one! I am now following!

Joanna hat gesagt…

I signed up to receive your emails so I hope that's what you mean by following. I love the design on your fabric that looks like jacks, what we used to play with when I was a kid. So I would like to use your fabric because for me it has fun and good memory images. I'd like to make something simple to show off the fabric.

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