Dies ist ein sehr langer Blogpost und meine deutschen Leserinnen möchten mir es bitte verzeihen, dass ich aus Gründen der Länge darauf verzichtet habe, den Post zweisprachig zu schreiben. Ich habe oben links auf meinem Blog einen Button “Übersetzen” installiert, der wird einen recht lustigen Text aus alledem machen. Aber die Bilder, und das ist die Hauptsache, sagen ja viel mehr als all die Worte.
"Size does matter" – a lot of the English speaking readers may have an idea of funny jokes around these words and I would love to tease you too with humorous words and ambiguousness, the only thing is: I just can’t. I'm not familiar enough with your language to know all the inside jokes. But since I'm no native you will surly allow me to translate the word size into my language. The word SIZE in German is “Größe” and has two meanings: the one is size, the other is greatness. So I chose to speak rather of greatness .
And that brings me back to Barcelona, my current group with Moda which is shipping to stores in September.
Barcelona is a city to which I have fallen in love at first sight .
Those of you which have been there will know what I'm talking about – and for those who haven’t so far: if you ever have the chance to visit the city – do so, it will enrich your live!
Speaking of greatness and Barcelona - there is a name that everyone is talking about: the genius Antonio Gaudi.
Sagrada Familia from Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona
I think everyone of us is a genius inside and has special gifts - you don’t have to be an artist to leave an impression. What matters is to find and develop your own gift and enfold it. Antonio Gaudi was a gifted architect, artist and he lived the way we call: Only the Sky is the limit. Studies of nature have inspired him and he developed completely new constructions, the so-called modernism.
His architecture exudes greatness and walking through his buildings you inevitably feel your own vocation.
Which leads me back to my adapted motto "Greatness Matters". It matters to take your own gifts seriously and to unfold what is inside you. It is something we can contribute to the world and what makes us happy. And that's why it has a meaning.
Gaudi's cathedral windows have inspired me: I created a quilt which is like a dark wall, in the same way like disappointments or hard times or obstacles of life can appear to us. And through this dark wall more and more color and light comes through. It looks even as if the colors arise and finally explode like fireworks. The idea of this quilt is to remind us that we all have hidden treasures which we want bring to the daylight and let them sparkle. Your greatness can be an inspiration for others. I called this quilt Shine Through.
That’s my story why size (or greatness) matters. Back to the actual meaning of size – of course for quilters it matters most. Sewing a block with a seam allowance which only differs 1/16” at each seam gives you a not fitting finished block ;-(
So we are trained to exactly take care on sizes.
Moda has created a booklet of inspirational blocks showing how variations of block size give a new look and each of us Moda designers will introduce you to one of these blocks.
My block shows you a finished 18" size, but includes the same block (or better said 4 of it) in just 6 ". It looks as if layers overlap each other.
This is my original block (I don’t even know the correct name, do you?)
I drew it 18” size and overlaid it with 4 of the same blocks 6” size and got this one…

18” is a nice size for a small table runner or the center of a table runner surrounded with a border.
It could also be a cover of a large pillow.
You will find the detailed sewing instructions for downloading here.
Some coloring ideas anybody? Here you go…

Some setting ideas for the 6” block?

But wait – the fun doesn’t end here: You will find each day three new different blocks introduced from Moda designers, all explained in detail. All with different fabric styles, suggestions - you name it. Fabulous!
Hop over to Moda’s website where all the other designers and blogs are listed! There is even a video from all of us speaking at Quilt Market Schoolhouse. Give the blocks a try, sew some of them.
Today two of my favorite colleagues are introducing their block patterns too: The lovely Edyta Sitar from Laundry Basket who creates beautiful traditional batik quilts (oh my, although I am a more modern girl, I admire all her quilts!)
and the inspiring Kaari Meng from French General who has wonderful antique French red and linen prints in her groups and presents her current line Josephine.
And we have even more fun – the very best: You will have the chance to win! Yeah! We have a precut + pattern from the very brand-new fabric collection Barcelona for you. I thought I will give two winners a chance and one will get 1 Layer Cake and my pattern Clarity, you just add a background and can make your own modern stunning quilt!
The other goodie is 1 Jelly Roll and my pattern Pure, add four light naturals for the background and make a terrific unique quilt from the colorful strips.
What do you have to do?
1. FOLLOW the Zen Chic blog, the one you are currently looking at ;-) and get all the news about project and fabric ideas.
2. Leave a COMMENT on the blog as to why or for which project you would like to work with the Barcelona fabrics!
Don’t miss to leave your email address so I can inform you in case you are the lucky winner.