What I have to tell today is way too long for a facebook post. I’m gonna talk about what’s going on right now here at the Zen Chic Studio, chat about some quilt layout ideas and give you all details about how to win a Fat Eighth fabric bundle of my current line FIGURES.

So first let’s talk a bit about quilt layouts. When we, the Moda team, are at Market, we have a kind of presentation there (called Schoolhouse) where we all show the newest fabrics and patterns. And to find a mutual subject, Lissa, our Marketing Director, sends out each time a task to everyone. Actually it is the same task for everyone, but of course we will show our personal twist on it.
In Pittsburgh Schoolhouse our task was to sew a quilt (looks like a mega block) with a layer cake from our fabric line. Each person had that same quilt layout as a starter, but ended up with her personal interpretation on it.
So that was our original layout – the Moda Love Layer Cake Quilt (which you can download as a free pattern here).
Of course I wanted to interpret this block in a more modern way, so I started to exchange plain squares by simple Lob Cabins to form some Pluses, to turn some blocks around and give them another direction – and to make it even more impressive to arrange the prints in color order.
I eventually ended up with a version, which looks quite modern and definitely needed an own pattern ;-)
I called it BIG PLUS and it’s now available in my pattern series.
And then we do also more fun stuff at Markets, this year for example we were all sewing scientists (at least pretending scientists) working in the Moda Laboratory. We wore a Lab Coat and taught our audience about our tips and tricks. Would you like to get to know Prof. Dr. Dr. Zen Chic from the Institute for Sophisticated Quilting? Voilà.
My new line Figures has a maritime color way with a nautical blue, aqua, salmon, linen and saffron in it and the patterns in the line are as always graphic and fresh. I was playing around a bit with sorting the fabrics by colors and figuring out how different a quilt would look if I just scale the complete range of fabrics down to certain color stories. I was surprised by the many variations I got:
I could have a serious and way of masculine look with the saffron/nautical combination
or a very feminine look by choosing the salmons and linens
but it could also be jus a youthful combination for a teenager with the aquas and reds.
or it would look lovely for a boys nursery… (BTW: I will become grandma of a little boy for the first time. Next January, so happy!!!)
I could play for hours to find new combinations… But I’m sure you have your own ideas and imagination and you will come up with projects that surprise me and make me oohing and aahing. (I love when you send me some pictures, which I can show).
So – you will need fabric! Of course! Time to talk about our giveaway. Here is a darn yummy bundle of Fat Eighths waiting for you!
For your chance to win: please hop over to my Zen Chic facebook page, like it (so you are a follower, you will get the news and inspiration and we can meet there) and leave a comment on my facebook’s post about this blog hop. That’s all!
HERE IS AN UPDATE: Since some of you said they are not at FB and wouldn't have a chance to win:
Your comment on my blog will also go in the drawings. So if you are not a FB user, you will have a chance to win if you comment on my blog also.
Today my Moda colleagues Kathy Schmitz and Edyta Sitar are also posting their giveaways. Don’t miss to stop by and take your chance to win.
The winners of this blog hop will be announced at the 13th of September.
158 Kommentare:
I don't do FB. I was glad to see a new post on your blog, but disappointed that a person can only sign up for a chance to win on FB. Your fabric is gorgeous!
I also don't do Facebook. I love your new line and I would love to be entered!
Thanks so much for the chance to win your sweet bundle...I 'liked' and left a comment on your FB page!!
First blog in the hop that I couldn't enter since I don't do Facebook. Aww!
But the fabric is adorable.
I don't do facebook either. I tried today but it won't let me in. Not fun!
I unfortuantely have no facebook account. I would be fine to have a chance without. I like your new fabric serie.
I already follow you on FB! Love your new fabric line and this blog hop is so fun! Thanks for great designs!!!
Congratulations on Figures and the arrival in January of a grandson!
I follow you on Facebook!
interesting modern fabrics, blue is gorgeous ... and congratulations that you will be grandmother !!!
I am in love with your new line. Your Big Plus pattern was very cleverly designed. Thank you being a part of the Moda Love Blog Tour and the awesome chance to become a Moda Winner of that darn yummy bundle of Fat Eights.
Sandi Timmons
Another non-Facebooker here. I saw the Figures precuts in my LQS awhile ago and it was love at first sight.
Thanks for the heads up on the giveaways. I read all of your posts on FB.
I don't have facebook, but would LOVE to tell you that your fabric is awesome. LOVE the color combinations and especially the 'Number' prints. Right now I have a sailboat quilt in mind that would look beautiful with this fabric.
thank you for allowing us to enter your giveaway via comments rather than facebook - always so generous, looking forward to seeing your new line in person - love the greys and yellows
Thanks for the chance to win- I'm not on FB, so I really appreciate the change! Tthis line is beautiful and I LOVE your interpretation of the quilt! Sarah: crjandsbj (at)netzero(dot)com
Nope, not a facebook person either, so thanks for the comment entry. I love the nautical blue in your new line. Hope to see it at my LQS sometime soon!
Love your new collection. Beautiful prints.
I love your modern take on the Moda pattern.
I am so glad to see that you are allowing blog comments to be entered as well! Thank you for that.
The way that you have showcased the different colorways is really helpful. Sometimes I just don't see all the possibilities! :)
I really love your fabric lines and your very modern approach to quilting. Thanks for keeping me updated by emails and your blog.
Lots of inspiration in your fabric. Love to win
I left a comment on FB which I already liked you.
Thanks for a chance to win. I love the colors!
I am not a fb fan either. Love blogs tho.
Thanks so much for a chance at your giveaway.
I don't have a FB account. I love your Figures fabric and your Big Plus quilt! Thanks for the chance to win.
Love your fabric and the modern way to set your quilt really attractive,
Love the colors in your new line and your Big Plus.
Such a big fan of your fabrics. Love the shots from market, thanks for sharing!
I love that I get your emails in German! My grandparents spoke it whenever they did not want us to know what they said. Your fabrics are beautiful.
I left my comment on Facebook. Love the hop, thanks.
I signed up for your FB page. Love your new fabric line, especially the fabric with the numbers on it.
Thank you for giving nonFB people the chance to win! Your fabric is beautiful
Thank you for opening up your giveaway to people without Facebook. I love those typeset numbers! It's really cool what you did to the Moda Love pattern to make it your own. Excellent design!
Your new line is gorgeous ! I really love the colors !
What fun fabrics! I've just recently learned that your class I'd enrolled in, Croisez-les at the European Patchwork show, has been canceled. So this chance to win your fabrics is a bit of a consolation!
TLHis is my favorite blog hop yet. I love the pattern and I love all of the different twists that each person has put on it. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Another Facebook refusenik here!
Thank you for changing the method of entry - you fabrics are very interesting.
Your fabrics are beautiful!
Have loved every fabric line I've seen of yours. Thank you for the chance to win.
I love your fabric!! Beautiful. :)
I don't do FB so thank you for giving those of us who don't a chance to win also. I love your fabrics and just received my Elementary bundle. I can't wait to start sewing.
Thank you for allowing us to follow and post here. Beautiful shades & designs! I've never used an eight bundle but would love the chance.
Thanks so much from me too! Lovel your new line!
Love your new fabric line . . . great fresh colors!
I love the fresh colors of summer in your new line. Very usable for projects I have in mind. Thanks for the giveaway.
I absolutely love all the fabrics with numbers, they are so fascinating!! I'm feeling the Zen!!
Your fabric collections. They are always wonderful.
Thank you very much for a chance to be entered. Love your fabric. (Not on FB)
I love that Big Plus quilt pattern! It's beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win!
I really love your new fabric designs, especially the aqua and red. Thank you for sharing all that Moda love with us. I do not do FB either so appreciate you including us other ladies. Judy C in NC
I already have you "liked" at FB, so I will enter here. Thanks!
I do not have facebook, so thank you for the opportunity on your blog. This has been a very fun blog hop.
Your fabric designs are very intriguing. Would love to try and figure out something really unique to make with them. Thanks for a chance!
What a great quilt in the Big Plus! Love this new line and the fresh color combinations.
Thanks for letting us comment here…your projects are terrific. Thanks for sharing!
This is a great blog tour. Thanks for your contributions!
Figures is gorgeous...love the colors! Thank you!
No FB here but do love your fabric line!
I would LOVE to play with your fabric!
I love your color combination!
Thank you for the giveaway. Another great line of yours.
meggie14 @ gmx.at
I love the colors in Figures! The salmon and blues together are so fresh and different!
Love the salmon/blue combination.
Thank you so much for allowing the non-facebook people to enter also. I am a huge fan.
Thanks for the chance to win. I love your new fabric line.
I'm commenting here AND liking on FB . . . just in case. :D
Your new fabric line is great. I would like to make the Clarity pattern with it. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congrats to all the family for the grandson.I already follow you on FB.Your new collection is yummiest and I`d love to make Prism,one of my fav pattern.
I love your new Figures fabric line. Would love a chance to win some. I have made a quilt with your Barcelona prints and have Comma still in my stash waiting for right quilt design. Thanks for the giveaway.
I don't do Face Book either...Thank you sooooo much for changing a bit, so we other's have a chance to participa
Love your Big Plus Quilt! & your Fabrics are way cooool!e as well!
Thank you for this opportunity. Love this blog hot, it's been a lot of fun!
I love your new line of fabric-such nice colors!!!
I headed over to Facebook and found your page! I love all the colors! Especially aqua and blue with the yellow. I love creating star blocks with yellow and blue. So cheerful and also like the night sky.
I love your new line! Lovely colors!
Fun fabric, thank you for the chance to win.
So enjoy your modern quilts. I'm not a FB girl, but love your blog, so thanks for counting us in.
I love the numbers in your new line - it would be perfect for my mathematician brother-in-law!
I always love Zen chic fabrics. Liked you on FB,a nd would love to win your giveaway./
Great fabric as usual! Thanks for the chance to win WITHOUT having to go through Facebook!
Great fabric line! I particularly like the blue/salmon combo. Thank you for the non-FB option!
I don't do Facebook, so thanks for giving us an opportunity to participate in the drawing. I love the colors in the new Figures line (and I've already bought a jelly roll of it). I really like your more modern fabric and pattern designs!
I love your new collection, especially how you choose and mix colors.
Your "Figures" collection is lovely, and I really like the way you showed the possibilities of using the different color ways.
Very interesting designs!
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Thank you for the wonderful post. Your new fabric line is so pretty.
I also will make a comment that I don't like to use Facebook for this type of thing but I have as you requested it. I would prefer using a blog for blog hops mostly because the posts on Facebook will be buried very quickly and hard to find for the stragglers to post their comments. I entered later in the day and had to scroll down a bit in order to even find the correct post to make my comment.
Thank you for the chance.
Your fabrics are so much fun, and I am glad you do have a blog, too, because I enjoy reading it and do not do FB. I have several of your fabrics waiting to be used in something I haven't quite settled on yet...but winning the bundle would give me enough to go for it
Love F8 bundles! Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda W.
Thank you for sharing your talent! Love your fabrics!!!! Thanks also for the giveaway :)
Love your fabrics ♥ Thanks for the chance!! Also following via FB
Love Figures fabric. thanks for this chance to win.
Gorgeous new line, love the colors! I just watched your video showing the balls quilt, I now know how to sew a perfect circle!
I love the numbers they will be great in quilts for my little grandsons. And to use in my Spell it with Fabric quilt. I love the modern appeal to your design. Thank you for the chance to win!
Love, love, love Figures!
Sorry, I don't FB
Thanks very much for giving us non-Facebookers a chance to enter. Your variation of the Moda Love pattern is certainly a modern take. Thanks for sharing!
Love your fabric lines. Comma is an all time favorite. Love the salmon color in this new line. Can't wait to see it in person.
I love your fabric lines - they are so fresh and modern. I don't "do facebook" but would love to win a fat eighth bundle.
Not sure if I left it in the right spot on fb
I love your fabric line. Thanks for the give-a-way.
I follow you on Facebook. LOVE the new fabric line...one of my faves!
So happy to have found your webpage. I like your approach to the blog hop pattern. And I agree with you: the fat 8th bundle is indeed yummy! -- soparkaveataoldotcom
I uses lot of civil war fabrics,but would love to try adding zippy fabrics if I win.
Thanks for the chance to win! I'm not a big FB fan, so I appreciate the blog comment opportunity!
Thank you for the chance to win. I do follow you on facebook but I don't know how to comment on it. I am just not with it as my kids would say.
I don't do FB but I follow your blog and think the comment option is a great way to enter the giveaway! Great new line and congrats to become a grandma soon!
Great post! Thank you for letting us non facebook folks enter too! I love your designs. Hello from Michigan - have a great day!
I love the blog hop and look forward to seeing your new line at one of the local quilt shops.
Oh - wow! This takes quite a time to scroll down to the last comment ;-)
I like your fabric and liked you on Facebook, too. I would be glad to win the giveaway.
The Big Plus quilt looks like a great pattern. Can't wait to see your new fabrics, thanks for the chance to win!
I really love your new line. I also love that you separated the colors like that. It really shows the versatility of the fabrics. Your big plus is great.
I like your modern interpretation of the pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!
thank you for the chance to win without being on Facebook! I do love your new line and I love the way you changed the quilt pattern to suit your style
what wonderful colorsi
Thanks for a nonFB chance to win. I really like your version of the blog quilt!
Thank you for opening it up to comments too!!!! I love Figures -- I think its my favorite line to date, of yours or anyone! :D
Thank you, Brigitte! I don't do FB, but I love following you by email! I am always SO inspired by your awesome designs!!... And your new collection, Figures, is a delight!!... I can't wait to start a quilt with it!!
And, *congratulations on your grandson*!!! (You will find him to be a little time machine!... When you hold him, kiss him, he will take you back to when his parent was the little baby in your arms!!)
Pat T.
in Michigan
I love that you created the Big Plus pattern, it is great and it looks so fun in Figures.
I am drawn to the numbers fabric, gorgeous. I liked you on FB, and I am also liking modern quilts. Thanks
Thanks for opening the giveaway to us non Facebook users!! (sandybailey55@hotmail.com)
i do follow your FB page…love those figures
I already like Zen Chic of Facebook and have enjoyed your posts!!
You are very thoughtful to add an alternative to FB. I love all the info you share with us!
I love your new collection, and I would love to win!
Teresa C in California
Great Giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Thanks so much for opening the contests to comments for those of us who don't do Facebook! Congratulations on the new grandson news - your fabrics will make a lovely quilt for him!
Thank you for letting us comment on the blog as well as FB, as I'm not on FB! Lovely fabric and designs. sarah@forrussia.org
ohhh it's in german,,, well I really like your new line and the new larger than life quilt! I believe your OHO pattern I used to make my own version is going to be in QN in the nov/dec issue! Cheers!
I love your different ideas for using your new line. They ALL look great to me. And your fabrics as all your lines are fantastic.
lawton_linda (at) yahoo (dot) com
When I first got interested in quilting, your fabrics were the first ones I fell in love with. I love solids, but yours are the prints I always turn to first when I want to "chic" things up!
Beautiful Fabric line-gorgeous :D
I love your fabric and patterns
and am presently making dance with me.
I have spoonflowered some record labels to make it a memory quilt. I love it. thank you
Thank you for having the pop-up box to comment! I'm on WordPress and Blogspot doesn't let me comment on embedded comment boxes. I love what you did with the traditional star, though I am a traditionalist. I could still see the star in there. =) Thank you so much for a chance at the giveaway, since I am also not on FB. I love your fabrics and the pictures of how you can design differently by using them differently. dezertsuz at gmail dot com
Love the new fabric, the ones for a the baby boy nursery are fabulous. Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win this bundle.
I like the prints! I have some of the charms in older prints. Thanks!
Love these fabrics! So fresh! So modern! Thanks for the give-away!
Thanks for sharing! <3
Love this new fabric line! I'd love to work with these prints!
I've wanted this fabric line since I saw it a my LQS preview night! I alo like the modern take on the common design used in the hop. Just lovely. Thanks! notwendy gmail
Love the moda blog hop...these are a lot of fun. Love the contemporary version of the love block. Pre congrats on being a GMA.
Thanks for the chance to win and opening it to those of us who do not have facebook.
Lisa R (lmrdesigns11(at)aol(dot)com)
Love your new line, so fun!
You are so creatively - your remake of the block is terrific! The fabric line is fabulous! Thanks for the chance!
I love your Figures fabric. The colors are beautiful and the prints are interesting. I will look for this line in Houston !
The Moda Love quilt pattern is gorgeous in its simplicity!
Your fabric line is wonderful, I love the nautical theme/colors
Enjoyed your blog and modern fabrics! :) Now I know that you're not blogging much, I'll check you out on FB.
I love your unique patterns and collections. You are definitely an inspiration. thanks for the fun!
I love Moda. They have the best fabrics!
great quilt, love how you re-invented the pattern and your fabrics are so pretty. thanks for the chance to win some lovely fabrics.
I also don't use Facebook much. So, here is my entry! I love your new line, Figures. Love it.
I don't do FB, so thanks for another option! Your fabrics and patterns always get my attention - in a good way!!!
I am not a FB fan either. So thank you for another chance for your fans. I just love your fabrics and patterns.
I really like your new line and all the colorways. Do you ever run out of ideas to design fabric? kthurn@bektel.com
Oh what fun it would be to see what color stories I could come up with with this collection. I would love to try out every possible combination and hope I have the chance.
I don't do Facebook. Please add my name into the draw. Thank you julie.mckay@xtra.co.nz
I love your new line!
How wonderful of you to open it up to non Facebook people, too! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity- your fabric line is beautiful!
Very cool fabric!
I like on facebook. First time here:)
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