Meeting and getting to know Nettie here on the blogs created some interesting things: a common project and a trip to Hamburg :-)
We easily came together to work on a swap log cabin project
We easily came together to work on a swap log cabin project
These are the strips we cut
and here are some of the blocks

In detail
The last one is my favourite, I call it "Hamburger" cause it's made all from fabrics I've got when I visited Nettie
7 Kommentare:
These blocks are beautiful. I love the sriped fabics you put in!
Brigitte, I love the way you put the colors together. I finally put some of my log cabins on my blog, plus my tale of woe and intrigue about making them.
Hallo Brigitte, Thank you for visiting my blog so that I could find yours! Your blog is lovely and I really like your quiltwork a lot! Thanks for the kind invitation for the Fassett sampler project. I wish I had more time on my hands because it really sounds like a fun project to participate in. I will follow this project with great interest and maybe I can join in some other time!
The log cabins are great. I am happy to meet you. I'll be back for more.
Those blocks are wonderful! Such a nice divergence from the traditional Log Cabin!
These are beautiful blocks, and terrific colors - thanks for sharing them.
Hallo, ich bin durch Zufall auf deinem Blog gelandet und schlichtweg begeistert.
Muß mir alles noch in Ruhe durchschauen, aber schon die Log Cabin sind klasse.
bin ein Neuling beim Quilten - erst seit ca. einem Jahr.
Aber so eine genaue Arbeit hab ich noch nie gesehen.
Liebe Grüße
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