Dear reader, this blog was a nice place for quite a while to share my thoughts and stories. Meanwhile I got a new website and so I continue writing on my new's site blog.


Thank you.

Liebe Leserin, dieser Blog war für lange Zeit ein sehr netter Ort, meine Gedanken und Geschichten mit dir zu teilen. Inzwischen habe ich eine neue Website erstellt und werde jetzt den Blog dort fortsetzen.


und: "Danke!"

Quick Change Blog hop and Giveaway

Freitag, 1. Mai 2015

About a year ago Martingale invited me to be a part of a new compilation book called Quick Change, Refresh a Room fast with Quilted Bed Runners. Thirteen gorgeous bed runners designed by some very talented quilt designers are featured in this book and I felt very honored to be one to contribute to the book.

martingale Quick Change bedrunner compilation book
We celebrate the new book with a blog hop and a giveaway and the designers will be sharing details about their runners, Q&A style.

What inspired your bed runner?
It must have been Pinterest (what else) where I once spotted a black and white wall art with lines of irregular triangles. I see instantly fabric or quilt patterns in inspirations and in that one I could imagine how easy to piece it must be – wonky cuts and no matching points. Sounds like fun.

Quick Change Zen Chic detail
Zen Chic Quick Change
And my line FIGURES gave me the perfect shades of navy, aqua and white linen. BTW: this quilt has been sewn and quilted by a friend of mine, Martina Ludwig. It’s great to have helping friends with such skills!

Do you have other favorite projects from Quick Change?
I love Winding Roads by Megan Jimenez of Quilt story for its design and the beautiful fabrics “Color Me Happy” from Vanessa Christenson. it’s the one on the book title above.

What does the master bedroom of your dreams look like?
Ohhh, which of all the favorite pictures should I pick for you????  In general it is a minimalist (how could it be otherwise), modern, clean and Scandinavian designed bedroom with lots of light and air to breath and feel free.

scandinavian bed room zen chic
 Image via Pinterest

One lucky winner will get an eBook version of Quick Change, which Martingale will kindly give away. For a chance to win, all you need to do is enter through the give away form below!

Follow the Quick Change blog hop for fun designer Q&A’s. You will even have more chances to win the eBook!
Tuesday, April 28: Blog-hop kickoff at Stitch This!
Wednesday, April 29: Kimberly Jolly and Jocelyn Ueng at Fat Quarter Shop
Thursday, April 30: Heather Andrus & Megan Jimenez at Quilt Story
Friday, May 1: Brigitte Heitland at Zen Chic
Saturday, May 2: Heidi Pridemore at the Whimsical Workshop Studio
Monday, May 4: Amanda Leins at Mandalei
Tuesday, May 5: Doug Leko at Antler Quilt Design
Wednesday, May 6: Audrie Bidwell at Blue is Bleu
Thursday, May 7: Stephanie Prescott giveaway via Facebook

a Rafflecopter giveaway

63 Kommentare:

Nancy A: hat gesagt…

Actually,I don't want to sew anything for our bedroom because I am using a quilt that my mother pieced and is quilted by Amish women in Arthur, IL for our bedspread. But a bed runner or a wall hanging for our guest bedroom would be nice.

Nancy hat gesagt…

I'd love to make a bedrunner!

Lisa hat gesagt…

Curtains! But a bedrunner for my guest bedroom!

Lisa England hat gesagt…

The master bedroom is the only bedroom in our house without a handmade quilt on the bed. Guess I better get going on that!

Joy Meetis hat gesagt…

I want to make a quilt for my bed. It is king size...

CathyG hat gesagt…

Love your bedroom and would love to make your bed runner !!

Kathryn hat gesagt…

I like this idea of bed runners. I have an all white quilt that could use some color to punch it up.

Susan L. hat gesagt…

I'd really like to make a new bed runner!

legato1958 hat gesagt…

I need to sew together 42 blocks for a quilt top for my bedroom.

Sarah@123quilt hat gesagt…

I'd love to make a bed runner. Thanks for the chance to win!

labfish hat gesagt…

I want to learn how to make a beautiful bedrunner for sure.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans hat gesagt…

Oh wow - I want to make that triangle bed runner. Blue and white - totally yummy!!!

Alli hat gesagt…

I need to make my husband a quilt!

Gill hat gesagt…

I love the triangle bed runner!!

Peg hat gesagt…

a bedrunner

Heather J hat gesagt…

I love the bed runner with the colours you have. It does remind me of the sea.

Katy M hat gesagt…

I need to make some more cushions but if I won this book a bed runner would be first on the list!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Making a bed runner would be fun. Love the ideas in this book!

Frederique hat gesagt…

Something for my bedroom: a beautiful wallhanging featuring nature!

Said With Love hat gesagt…

I am finally making a quilt for our bedroom!

Theglasdiva hat gesagt…

I made my first bed runner and love the idea of these quick projects! I purchased a layer cake of "Figures" last year at a quilt show and sewed it into a quilt shortly after. I love the graphics.

Anonym hat gesagt…

HELLO,I'd like to make new curtains for our bedroom>something fresh+new with my new quilt! Thanks for a neat giveaway!

Linda hat gesagt…

I would love to make one of the bed runners. I have a white whole cloth quilt on our bed and these added pieces can easily change the look of the room.

Kathleen hat gesagt…

I'm working on finishing up a quilt I pieced back in 2012! I'd like to use that in our bedroom, if I ever get it done!

Ellee hat gesagt…

Patchwork pillows! Lots of them in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Unknown hat gesagt…

I would love to make a bed runner.

BeachQuilter hat gesagt…

I'm in new bedroom and I'm beginning to think BED RUNNERs !!

Cecilia hat gesagt…

I need to make a quilt for my bed, but since it is a king size, I might start with a bed runner. I love the colors of your bed runner. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.

Unknown hat gesagt…

I would love to make a quilt for our bed - a king size quilt so it will take some time.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com

KathleenD hat gesagt…

I would like to make an interesting wall-hanging for our bedroom.

June D hat gesagt…

I want to finish a quilt for our bed that I started a while back. If I win I could easily switch to a runner to change up the room. Thanks for the chance.

Anonym hat gesagt…

I'd like to sew a bed runner, plus some coordinating pillows.

Michele T hat gesagt…

I am currently making a quilt for our bedroom... A lap quilt just could not keep us bot covered as an extra layer! Lol

Anonym hat gesagt…

i love the numerals - muted and blue! i like the bedrunners....

Shelley Parham hat gesagt…

I'm currently using a full sized quilt but I'd love to make a bed runner.

Gina S hat gesagt…

Bed runner with matching pillows

Fran hat gesagt…

I want to make some quilted pillowcases to coordinate with the Swoon quilt that I made for my bedroom last year. I'd also love to sew a bed runner. Thanks for the chance to win!

apple blossom hat gesagt…

quilt for hubby started needs finished

Sorcha girl hat gesagt…

Pillow shams are on my list to match a quilt that I just finished. In summer colors of yellow, orange, blue and green it will make a nice change from the down comforter of winter. Love Zen Chic designs!! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway.

GO STARS! hat gesagt…

I need to finish my pineapple quilt for my bedroom. I started many years ago and now have the blocks finished. Have to put them together and add borders to make it big enough. Then to quilt it. And instead of finishing it, I start new projects or pull out older projects...I think I'm scared I'll mess it up.

Mania hat gesagt…

Ich moechte gerne eine Bettdecke naehen , nur fuer mich selbst. Habe schon die Stoffe ausgewaehlt, leider die Zeit , freie Zeit gibst nicht viel bei mir.. Aber von diesem Buch mag ich den Bettlaeuffer von der Titelseite

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches hat gesagt…

Clean and colorful is my dream bedroom..

Donna W hat gesagt…

A new bedrunner for our guest bedroom.

Enny hat gesagt…

Ich mache normalerweise nur queen-sized Quilts, aber so langsam gehen uns die Betten aus. So ein Bedrunner (wie heißen die Teile übrigens auf deutsch?) ware da eine nette Ergänzung.

Unknown hat gesagt…

I always enjoy seeing your beautiful fabrics made up into lovely quilts

Deb hat gesagt…

A lap quilt for the side chair in my bedroom.

Tamie hat gesagt…

I really ought to make a new throw.

Farm Quilter hat gesagt…

I would love to make a new quilt!

Anne D hat gesagt…

I love making smaller projects and would love a bed runner in our bedroom. The book looks great. Thanks for the chance to win.

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n hat gesagt…

I love making pillow covers to change out on our bed. Changing them with the seasons or my own whimsy keeps me smiling =)

Anita hat gesagt…

A bed runner!

Szamóca hat gesagt…

Pillows. And a quilt.
ehodasz ar yahoo dot com

Willa hat gesagt…

Would like to make bed scarf I think. Anything larger would never be finished. The resident papillon would likely claim anything I tried to make!

selleck hat gesagt…

I'd like to make a wall hanging.

Anonym hat gesagt…

My bedroom could really use curtains over the vertical blinds, but I don't like sewing curtains, so I think one of these bed runners would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win.

dezertsuz at gmail

java diva hat gesagt…

I need to sew a lot for my bedroom! I have not made us a quilt, we need curtains, and I love to make pillows, and who doesn't need more pillows??!

Carol hat gesagt…

Either a quilt or a wall hanging.

Betty Woodlee hat gesagt…

Beautiful bed runners. Thanks for chance to win this book.

Diane M hat gesagt…

I would love to make a king-sized quilt.

The Spiritual Existential Nihilist hat gesagt…

I'd love to get a quilt made for my bed in my new home - just moved in!

Unknown hat gesagt…

As luck would have it I have been wanting the perfect pattern for a bed runner and I have fojnd it, thanks!

Anonym hat gesagt…

I would like to make a runner in aqua and blue to fit my midnight blue bedspread - this would be the perfect pattern for it. Thanks the inspiration of these lovey runners.

Rina Mason hat gesagt…

I'm working on a new quilt autumn for my bed right now.


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