You need: approximately 6" of fabric (44" width) and a couple of (wooden) beads, (16 to 20 mm diameter)

Cut strips of fabric: Cut about two 3" wide strips of fabric - enough so that when sewn together, your beads will fit in easily and you will have a 70" strip. Sew the fabric strips together at the short ends, right sides together, to make one long strip. Press your seam open Fold the strip in half lengthwise, right sides together, being careful to match the raw edges accurately. Turn the edge under ¼" at both short ends and press to the wrong side of the fabric. Sew the strip all the way along the open edge using a 1/8" seam allowance. Backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam.

Turn the strip right side out. Knot the center bead in place: Insert 1 bead into the strip and holdit in place exactly midway in the fabric tube. Use your other hand to tie a basic overhand knot on both sides of the bead, pushing the knots firmly up against the bead. Check to make sure the bead is centered in the strip.

Use the iron to press the fabric flat on both sides of the beads. Use the handsewing needle and thread to sew each end of the tube closed with tiny stitches.
Finish your necklace by tying the fabric ends in a bow.