Dear reader, this blog was a nice place for quite a while to share my thoughts and stories. Meanwhile I got a new website and so I continue writing on my new's site blog.


Thank you.

Liebe Leserin, dieser Blog war für lange Zeit ein sehr netter Ort, meine Gedanken und Geschichten mit dir zu teilen. Inzwischen habe ich eine neue Website erstellt und werde jetzt den Blog dort fortsetzen.


und: "Danke!"

Color choices for the modern quilter

Dienstag, 8. November 2011

Ok, this week a new color scheme is on my schedule and since you kindly gave me a vote it’s: purple. (Some people even suggested to combine the two in one design. Great idea, I will get back to it with a later post. In this color scheme is actually a bit of green, kind of, the middle of the last row. Is it called kakhi?).
Purple potatoes (I’ve never eaten some. Did you?). But at least those colors look so yummy.
purpleimage credit: Allison Marchant via flickr
Color choice purple
Did you ever try purple potatoes and how did you like the taste?
Dienstag – und ein neues Farbschema. Und Violett ist die Farbe.
Lila Kartoffelschnitze, ob sie wohl so lecker schmecken wie sie aussehen? Ich hab sie noch nie versucht.
Hast du schon mal welche gegessen und wie haben sie geschmeckt?

37 Kommentare:

Michi hat gesagt…

Liebe Brigitte!
Das sind ja ganz tolle Farbkombinationen. Nicht meine Komfort Zone, gefällt mir aber ausnehmend gut! Denkst du schon an Kurse für Ö? Ich melde mich die Tage bei dir.
Liebe Grüße
Michi :)

Jacqui hat gesagt…

Gorgeous colours! Yes I've tried purple potatoes, my parents grew some and we had bright purple mashed potatoes one night when I visited - it was quite interesting to take the first bite as they didn't look particularly edible :) I didn't find they had much flavour particularly, rather bland on the scale of potato flavours; but perhaps they are better suited to baking or chips or something. Still, the colour made up for the lack of taste!

Susan hat gesagt…

Purple! Yum! The colour pallete is lovely! Looking forward to seeing what you create with it!

Quilt Genius hat gesagt…

What a wonderful color palette! I love the deep purple best. :)


Leanne hat gesagt…

It's a beautiful palette, what will you make?

Laura hat gesagt…

Sehr gut!

Jennifer hat gesagt…

Love your color palette!

KristyLou hat gesagt…

Hmmm purple potatoes.... i should try those some time. I love that color scheme you have!

JuliePickles hat gesagt…

I am loving purples lately, but I've never seen purple potatoes! Do they taste any different?

Heather D. hat gesagt…

I really like those colours together!

Cille hat gesagt…

Love the colors... It's funny. I have never used purple - never really liked it - but the more I quilt the more I learn to appreciate every color. Just bought a FQ bundle of Heirloom Sapphire and there's a lot of purple in it so I'll soon be making my first purple quilt. hat gesagt…

the cool thing about purple potatoes, after you cook them they are no longer purple. I love the color. Im wearing it today! hat gesagt…

the cool thing about purple potatoes is after they are cooked they are no longer purple. Beautiful color.

Foolish Feathers hat gesagt…

Purple potatoes are real?! Wow, what an awesome color they are. Your post reminded me of design seeds where they take pictures and put color chips underneath to inspire. Purple is going to be the main focus of my decorating for my coming-soon daughter, thanks for the color palette to consider!

Kerstin hat gesagt…

Bin gerade auch im Lila-Fieber, daher gefaellt mir das Farbschema ausgesprochen gut.

Chelsea hat gesagt…

Oh, wow, your dark targets pattern would be amazing in this palette!

Oh, and unfortunately purple potatoes taste like the regular ones and turn grey when cooked.

Rebecca hat gesagt…

Never tried purple potatoes, but now I'm intrigued. Great color inspiration.

Christie describeHappy hat gesagt…

No, I've never had purple potatos, but that is going to be great colors for a quilt! I wonder what 'purple' tastes like?

Pippa Parsons hat gesagt…

lovely gorgeous purples and colours, haven't tried purple spuds

Marsha Cooper hat gesagt…

I love to work with purples even though yellow is my favorite color.

Anonym hat gesagt…

I never had purple potatoes, but I love the colors you chose.

Maggie hat gesagt…

I love purple potatoes and this palette!

Elizabeth Dackson hat gesagt…

Those potatoes sure are a lovely shade of purple! I haven't had purple potatoes myself, but I've heard they're quite tasty :)

Ella hat gesagt…

I love purple potatoes. I love all potatoes (comes from the Peruvian genes, I think)

Marlene @ KISSed Quilts . com hat gesagt…

sehr gut!

I have enjoyed purple, I think they normally call them 'blue' potatoes. I've seen them packaged in the U.S. during 4th of July season with red, white and blue potatoes in one sack.

the purple is beautiful!

Melinda hat gesagt…

No purple potato tasting here but I love the colors!

Rachel hat gesagt…

I like the color pallette a lot. It's such a nice cool, calm feeling.

Kelli Fannin Quilts hat gesagt…

I am a new follower.. can't wait to see what you make with your color palette choice. Love the purples. Nice to *meet* you. :o)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Never seen the inside of a potato that colour, it is rich looking. Getting your colours just right is the first step..!

Katherine hat gesagt…

I've never considered purple one of my top colour choices, but after seeing the palette you've compiled, I'm tempted!

Oh, yes, I've had purple potatoes and love their taste. My mom grew them and someday I would like to have them in a garden of my own. They are delicious and definitely a conversation starter as they look so foreign! lol

Marci Girl hat gesagt…

Very pretty! Nope, I have never seen or eaten purple potatoes!

Allison hat gesagt…

great color scheme {I love purple, myself} I have never eaten a purple potato :)

Annabella hat gesagt…

I love love colour and your purple potato palette is truly amazingly beautiful. Wow!

Katy Cameron hat gesagt…

Love the colour palette, but never tried a purple potato yet :o)

Lee hat gesagt…

Oh, what a gorgeous color combination! I love it with the taupes and beiges. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

Al hat gesagt…

Never had a purple potato but I do love that color combo.

Leila hat gesagt…

I have had purple potatoes. I was in Bolivia for a month and they have tons of different kinds of potatoes.


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